Tot%C3%B2 cerca casa

Tot cerca casa is a 1949 Italian comedy film directed by Mario Monicelli and Steno. The film is stylistically related to Italian neorealism, though it can be seen as a parody.

One day, however, Beniamino finds a place to move into a cemetery caretakers house. Not all the family is convinced its a great idea. They stay there for a short while, fleeing when they think they see a ghost. After leaving the house, Beniamino finds another job at the studio of an artist. But even here the family Lomacchio will not agree with Beniamino. They then find a large apartment. But theyve been cheated the apartment has already been rented out to another family. Eventually, even after staying in the Colosseum, Beniamino is in a car accident. Hes finally found a new home A psychiatric hospital.

Source: Wikipedia